Insight Meditation
Melbourne Insight Meditation
NFP operating in Melbourne offering online and face-face Insight Meditation evening, daylongs, courses and retreats
Dharma Seed -
Dharma Seed is an online resource dedicated to making the Buddhist teachings of Insight Meditation (Vipassana) and associated practices available to all.
Insight Meditation from Thanissaro Bhikku
A graduated series of 50 Dhamma talks for meditators, starting with breath meditation. This will keep you occupied for a while!
Ajahn Jayasaro
Books and audio teachings from the Thai Forest tradition
Other Teachers
Other teachers I recommend
Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnamese Buddhism) - Audio Talks
Brother David Steindl-Rast (Benedictine monk) -
Suggested Booklist
Some of the favourite teachers I know.
The Experience of Insight, Joseph Goldstein (A book for intro Buddhist teachings)
A Path With Heart, Jack Kornfield (A longtime favourite)
The Wise Heart, Jack Kornfield
Seeking the Heart of Wisdom, J. Goldstein & J. Kornfield
The Teachings of the Buddha, ed. by Jack Kornfield and Gil Fronsdal (The best of the Buddha and teachings from Buddhist traditions)
Insight Meditation, Joseph Goldstein
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry Jack Kornfield
Loving-Kindness, Sharon Salzberg
Faith, Sharon Salzberg
Radical Acceptance Tara Brach (learning to accept and love yourself)
True Refuge Tara Brach
It's Easier Than You Think, Sylvia Boorstein
Peace Is Every Step, Thich Nhat Hanh
Active Hope, Joanna Macy
A Gradual Awakening, Stephen Levine
Who Dies, Stephen Levine
The Engaged Spiritual Life, Donald Rothberg (Buddhism and social activism)
World as Lover, World as Self, Joanna Macy (deep ecology)
Awake in the Wild: Mindfulness in Nature as a Path of Self-Discovery, Mark Coleman
The Art of Happiness, The Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler
The Book of Joy - The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu
Therapy as Spiritual Practice
Hakomi Education Network
Often described as "Psychotherapy as a spiritual path", Hakomi has evolved into a worldwide network offering trainings and retreats and continues to grow as people are naturally attracted to the beauty of the work. The Hakomi Way is grounded in spiritual understandings gathered from Taoism and Buddhism. Buddhism teaches that the world is always changing, Taoism teaches that these changes are spontaneous, natural, appropriate and do not need to be controlled by humans – “Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.” Flint Sparks, trainer of Hakomi talks here on youtube
Ethical Investing
Men's Resources
Common Ground for Men - A 9 week course for men exploring topics such as fathering, masculinity, sex, love & intimacy, relationships, healthy communication skills that support friendships. Highly recommended.
Menergy is an all inclusive 3 day Men’s Gathering that provides workshops around celebrating masculinity and helps men discover more of themselves in a good natured and supportive way. The program structure we run has been developed for over 15 years and has seen thousands of men grow and learn through this process.